Mixed media
Three-dimensional work
Different techniques, recycled material and (found) objects.

The thread projects; The yurt, The Pool, The Boat (Alfacar, Granada)
The boat was built, now years ago, as a contradictory symbol of living on a mountain top with this eternal view at the Sierra Nevada. By that time I didn´t know I would move to live closer to the sea.
I installed the boat hanging between the wall of the house and a almost dying tree. A boat stuck on higher grounds…it hung there during one and half year, slowly becoming part of the surrounding landscape, rocking in the wind. It seemed a large squid touching earth with its tentacles. Wasps made their nests, the threads were united with plants and grass. The wind played endless games with the threads, snow covered the boat in winter, heavy rains lifted the boat because the rope became very tight when wet. In spring flowers grew into the threads and in summer, sunlight presented an ever changing, reflection of light.
The boat was pointing to the south. Then, one day in July, we took the same road down to the sea, where many before us past, “el Suspiro del Moro” (the sigh of the More, a mountain pass named after the last Moorish sultan of Granada, Muhammad XII after being ejected from Granada by the Catholic Monarchs in 1492) to move to Málaga.
The boat was left behind as a drowned and abandoned body, an old memory. Time will forget you, but the wind will carry you……
But….. sometimes you don´t forget things easily. You could state that the boat was attached to my life and work somehow. All these walks along the beach, taking hundreds of photographs of fishing boats (and imagining all the stories behind…) made me think of the “fossil” that the boat might have become. So, again another day in July (by chance?), we went back to get the boat and transported it on top of the car. Now it´s here, this silent witness, waiting patiently in the patio for a second life.